#00 Daily Bible Readings
by Dr. C. B. Hastings
1. Beginning of God's Time
2. Abraham of Covenant
3. Patriarchs
4. God's Nature Seen in Egypt
5. Covenant Reveals Redemptive Work
6. Sacrifice Gives Approach to God
7. Wilderness Days Prove God's Care
8. Teaching Basic to Entire Bible
9. Joshua Leads in Conquest
10. Judges Period Reaches Peaks
11. Saul and David Contrast Ideals
12. Golden Age of Kingdom Seen
13. Golden Age Nears Climax
14. Decay Besets Hebrew Kingdom
15. Prophets of Israel Speak
16. Isaiah Prophets to Judah
17. Peak of Old Testament Faith Seen
18. Ministry of Jeremiah Begins
19. Jeremiah Preaches "Famous Sermon"
20. Righteousness By Faith Seen
21. Hope Points to New Covenant
22. Prophets Give Exiles Hope
23. Restored Community Renews Messianic Hope
24. Should Churches Be Closed
25. Study of Job
26. Job's Accusers Speak
27. Job's Faith Vindicated
28. Gospel Record Live of Jesus Christ
29. Sermon Shows Kingdom Man
30. Jesus Cross Is Difficult Idea
31. Hostility Against Jesus Mounts
32. Jesus' Ministry Is Climaxed
33. Spirit Expands Jesus' Work
34. Early Church Emphasizes A Practical Religion
35. Spirit's Full Power Evident
36. Paul's Journey Shows Practical Theology
37. Corinth Is Challenge of 3rd Journey
38. Christian LIberty Founded on Love
39. Frustration Prompts A Great Epistle- Romans
40. The True Israel is Community of Faith
41. Paul Witnesses Through Trials
42. God In Christ Provides Redemption
43. Christianity Is Man's Only Hope
44. Melchizedek Priesthood Fulfilled
45. John Records Mounting Conflict
46. John Adds Passion Events
47. Encouragement Given in Trials
48. God's Sovereignty Seen In History
49. Redemptive Purpose Is Summarized
50. The Glorious Destiny of God's People
51. The Final Victory of Christ
Start Page
1. Unfolding of God's Purpose